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Appezzato-da-Glória, B.; Pace, M.R.; Souza, D.S.; Silva, G.S; Barbosa, L.H.S. Vessel element morphology of Allagoptera campestris (Mart.) Kuntze (Arecaceae) belowground organs affected by growing conditions. Academia Brasileira de Ciências 96 (4): e20240053.
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Medan, D.; Calvillo-Canadell, L.; Pace, M.R., Samain, M.S.; Brokamp, G.; Bachelier, J.B.; Hilger, H.H., Cole, T.C.H. "Plant Phylogeny Posters" available in Spanish - a collection collection of educational resources on systematic botany freely accessible online. Acta Botanica Mexicana 131:e2411.
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Frankel, N.; Heald, S.; Lam, T.; Pace, M. R.; Galban, M. Untangling indian hemp: identifying woodlands bast fibers in collections. Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 63 (3): 221-244.
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Bueno, L. H.; Hernández-Hernández, B.; Francener, A.; Amorim, A.M.; Pace, M.R. Anatomical conservatism in the wood and bark of the species-rich Byrsonimoid clade (Malpighiaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society XX, 1-25.
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Sanches, M. M.; Guesdon, I. R., Silva, L. P., Pace, M. R., Meira, R. M. S. A. Morphoanatomy and evolution of the bracteole and sepal glands of the Amazonian genus Lophanthera A. Juss. (Galphimioid clade). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society XX, 1-15
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Quintanar-Castillo, A.; González-Gutiérrez, P. & Pace, M.R. Ontogeny of interxylary phloem and stem anatomy of the Cuban endemic Henleophytum (Malpighiaceae). Flora 311: 152458. (Highlighted Student Research)
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Teixeira, F. A., Gerolamo, C. S., Junior, A. W. S., Pace, M. R. Bark wings are related to the primary vascular system: the case of Piptadenia gonoacantha (Leguminosae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 205 (4): 416-423.
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Nery I. R. A. M. N., Vergilio P. C. B., Viégas L. B., Silva M. R., Resende R. T., Chagas M. P., Pace M. R., Marcati C. R. Water availability influences both wood anatomy and laticifer density in rubber tree saplings. Flora 304: 152301.
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Pace M. R., Marcati C. R., Lohmann L. G. & Angyalossy V. Bark anatomy of lianescent Bignoniaceae: a generic synopsis. Adansonia 45 (12): 167-207.
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Shtein I., Gričar J., Lev-Yadun S., Oskolski A., Pace M. R., Rosell J. A., Crivellaro A. Priorities for bark anatomical research: study venues and open questions. Plants 12: 1985.
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Pace M. R., Dutra R., Marcati C. R., Angyalossy V., Evert R. F. Seasonal cambial activity and formation of secondary phloem and xylem in white oaks (Quercus alba L.). Forests 14: 920
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Olson M. E., Pace M. R. & Anfodillo T. The vulnerability to drought-induced embolism-conduit diameter link: breaching the anatomy-physiology divide. IAWA Journal 44.
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Nejapa R. & Pace M. R. Wood and bark anatomy of the charismatic Wisteria vines (Leguminosae). IAWA Journal 44.
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Tang Y., Yin S., Pace M. R., Gerolamo C. S., Nogueira A., Zuntini A. R., Lohmann L. G., Plath M. & Liesche J. Diameters of phloem sieve elements can predict stem growth rates of woody plants. Tree Physiology 42: 1560-1569.
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Quintanar-Castillo A. & Pace M. R. Phloem wedges in Malpighiaceae: origin, structure, diversification, and systematic relevance. EvoDevo 13:11
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Cunha Neto I.C., Pace M. R. , Hernández-Gutiérrez R. & Angyalossy V. Linking the evolution of development of stem vascular system in Nyctaginaceae and its correlation to habit and species diversification. EvoDevo 13(4)
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Pace, M.R., C.S. Gerolamo, J.G. Onyenedum, T. Terrazas, M.P. Victorio, I.L. Cunha Neto & V. Angyalossy. The wood anatomy of Sapindales: diversity and evolution of wood characters. Brazilian Journal of Botany 45: 283–340.
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Brandes, A.F.N., Y.C. Rizzieri, N. Tamaio, M.R. Pace & C.F. Barros. A global review on wood growth rings in lianas. Dendrochronologia 71: 125920.
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Nejapa, R., P. A. Cabanillas & M. R. Pace. Cortical origin of the successive cambia in the stems of the charismatic temperate lianescent genus Wisteria (Fabaceae) and its systematic importance. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 199: 667-677.
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Gerolamo, C. S., Figueiredo, C. F., Lima, A. C., Pace, M. R., Angyalossy, V., Ceccantini, G. Identification of lianas by stem anatomy and external bark. Field Museum Visual Guides.
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Onyenedum J.G. & M.R. Pace. The role of ontogeny in wood diversity and evolution. American Journal of Botany 108: 2331-2355.
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Luna-Márquez L, Sharber WV, Whitlock BA, Pace MR. Ontogeny, anatomical structure and function of lobed stems in the evolution of the climbing growth form in Malvaceae (Byttneria Loefl.). Annals of Botany 128: 859-874.
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Cunha Neto IL, Pace MR, Angyalossy V. A new interpretation of the successive cambia of some Nyctaginaceae as interxylary phloem. International Journal of Plant Sciences 182: 620-637.
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Barbosa AC, Gerolamo CS, Lima AC, Angyalossy V, Pace MR. Polishing entire stems and roots using sandpaper under water: an alternative method for macroscopic analyses. Applications in Plant Sciences 9(5): e11421.
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Luizon Dias Leme C, Pace MR, Angyalossy V. The "lianescent vascular syndrome" statistically supported in a comparative study of trees and lianas of Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 197(1): 25-34
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Pace MR, Hernández-Hernández B, Martínez Salas EM, Lohmann LG, Cacho NI. Phylogenetic placement of enigmatic Astianthus (Bignoniaceae) based on molecular data, wood and bark anatomy. Botanical Sciences 99: 398-412.
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Angyalossy V, Pace MR, Marcati CR, Evert EF. Phloem development, growth markers, and sieve-tube longevity in two Neotropical trees. IAWA Journal 42: 31-49.
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Chery JG, Cunha Neto IL, Pace MR, Acevedo-Rodríguez P, Specht CD, Rothfels CJ. Wood anatomy of the neotropical liana lineage Paullinia L. (Sapindaceae). IAWA Journal 41: 278-300. (Winner of the Bailey Award 2020 - 2000 euros)
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Gerolamo CS, Nogueira A, Pace MR, Angyalossy V. Interspecific anatomical differences result in similar highly flexible stems in Bignoniaceae lianas. American Journal of Botany 107: 1622-1634.
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Machate DJ, Pace MR, Alves FM, Queiroz JFC, Farinaccio MA. Aspidosperma flaviflorum (Apocynaceae), a new species from Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, with notes on wood anatomy. Systematic Botany 45: 315-322.
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Cunha Neto IL, Pace MR, Douglas NA, Nee MH, Sá CFC, Moore M, Angyalossy V. Diversity, distribution, development, and evolution of medullary bundles in Nyctaginaceae. American Journal of Botany 107: 1-19.
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Chery J, Pace MR, Acevedo-Rodríguez P, Specht CD, Rothfels CJ. Modifications during early plant development promote the evolution of nature’s most complex woods. Current Biology 30: 1-8.
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Pirolla-Souza A, Arruda RCO, Pace MR, Farinaccio MA. Leaf anatomical characters of Rhabdadenia (Rhabdadenieae, Apocynaceae), their taxonomic implications, and notes on the presence of articulated laticifers in the genus. Plant Systematics and Evolution 305: 797-810.
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Pace MR. Optimal preparation of tissue sections for light-microscopic analysis of phloem anatomy. Phloem: Methods and Protocols. Springer Nature
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Pace MR. Phloem: Cell Types, Structure, and Commercial Uses. Plant Science - Structure, Anatomy and Morphogenesis in Plants Cultures In Vivo and In Vitro.
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Almeida RF, Guesdon IR, Pace MR, Meira RMS. Taxonomic revision of Mcvaughia W.R.Anderson (Malpighiaceae): notes on vegetative and reproductive anatomy and the description of a new species. PhytoKeys 117: 45-72
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Pace MR, Cunha Neto IL, Santos-Silva LNN, Melo-de-Pinna GFA, Acevedo-Rodríguez P, Almeida RF, Amorim AM, Angyalossy V. First report of laticifers in lianas of Malpighiaceae and their phylogenetic implications. American Journal of Botany 106: 1156-1172.
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Rozefelds AC, Pace MR. The first record of fossil Vitaceae wood from the Southern Hemisphere, a new combination for Vitaceoxylon ramunculiformis, and reappraisal of the fossil record of the grape family (Vitaceae) from the Cenozoic of Australia. Journal of Plant Systematics and Evolution. (Won Paper of the Year JPSE)
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Pace MR, Angyalossy V, Acevedo-Rodríguez P, Wen J. Structure and ontogeny of successive cambia in Tetrastigma (Vitaceae), the host plants of Rafflesiaceae. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 56: 394-400.
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Pace MR, Acevedo-Rodríguez P, Amorim AM, Angyalossy V. Ontogeny, structure and occurrence of interxylary cambia in Malpighiaceae. Flora 241: 46-60.
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Barbosa ACF, Costa GO, Angyalossy V, Dos Santos TC, Pace MR. A simple and inexpensive method for sharpening permanent steel knives with sandpaper. IAWA Journal 39: 497-503.
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Liesche J, Pace MR, Xu Q, Chen S. Height-related scaling of phloem anatomy and the evolution of sieve element end wall types in woody plants. New Phytologist 214: 245-256.
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Carvalho R, Pellissari LCO, Pace MR, Scremin-Dias E, Arruda RO, Farinaccio MA. Leaf morphoanatomy of Araujia and Morrenia (Asclepiadoideae, Apocynaceae): phylogenetic implications and species key. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 183: 280-293.
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Cabanillas PA, Pace MR, Angyalossy V. Structure and ontogeny of the fissured stems of Callaeum (Malpighiaceae). IAWA Journal 38: 49-66.
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Amorim AM, Marinho LC, Pessoa C, Pace MR. A new Heteropterys (Malpighiaceae) from semideciduous forest, with notes on wood anatomy. Plant Systematics and Evolution 303: 177-185.
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Angyalossy V, Pace MR, Baas P. (Editors). IAWA List of Microscopic Bark Features. IAWA Journal 37: 517-615. (FULL ARTICLE AVAILABLE FREE OF CHARGE AT IAWA WEBSITE BRILL)
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Pace MR, Zuntini AR, Lohmann LG, Angyalossy V. Phylogenetic relationships of enigmatic Sphingiphila (Bignoniaceae) based on molecular and wood anatomical data. Taxon 65: 1050-1063.
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Pace MR, Lohmann LG, Olmstead RG, Angylossy V. Wood anatomy of major Bignoniaceae clades. Plant Systematics and Evolution 301: 967-995. (FULL ARTICLE AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST)
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Pace MR, Alcantara S, Lohmann LG, Angyalossy V. Secondary phloem diversity and evolution in Bignonieae (Bignoniaceae). Annals of Botany 116: 333-358.
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Angyalossy V, Pace MR, Lima AC. Liana anatomy: a broad perspective on structural evolution of the vascular system. In: Ecology of Lianas (Eds. Schnitzer, Bongers, Byrnham & Putz)
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Pace MR, Angyalossy V. Wood anatomy and evolution: a case study in the Bignoniaceae. International Journal of Plant Sciences
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Angyalossy V, Angeles G, Pace MR, Lima AC, Dias-Leme CL, Lohmann LG, Madero-Vega C. An overview of the anatomy, development and evolution of the vascular system of lianas. Plant Ecology & Diversity 5: 167-182. (FULL ARTICLE AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST)
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Pace MR, Lohmann LG, Angyalossy V. Evolution of disparity between the regular and variant phloem in Bignonieae (Bignoniaceae). American Journal of Botany 98: 602-618.
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Pace MR, Botânico MP, Angyalossy V. Diversity of metaxylem vessel elements in three Syagrus palms (Arecaceae) of different habits. Acta Botanica Brasilica 25: 315-323.
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Lima AC, Pace MR, Angyalossy V. Seasonality and growth rings in lianas of Bignoniaceae. Trees 24: 1045-1060.
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Barbosa ACF, Pace MR, Witovisk L, Angyalossy V. A new method to obtain good anatomical slides of heterogeneous plant parts. IAWA Journal 31: 373-383.
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Pace MR, Lohmann LG, Angyalossy V. The rise and evolution of the cambial variant in Bignonieae (Bignoniaceae). Evolution & Development 11: 465-479.
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